Monday, March 23, 2009

Bread for the World

This morning we’ve considered the mission of the Father, Son, and Spirit to save the world. And this Table likewise reflects this mission. In John 6:51 Jesus says, “I am the living bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread that I shall give is My flesh, which I shall give for the life of the world.” Here we see that the salvation of the world through Jesus takes on a Eucharistic shape... The life and salvation of the world are connected to eating the flesh of Jesus. The giving of His flesh reflects the Father’s love for the world in giving His Son over to death. Jesus came to do the will of His Father and drank the cup He was given. In order to receive life and salvation from His death on the cross the world must feed upon Him. This ‘eating’ corresponds to the ‘faith’ of those who believe in His name, do not perish, and now possess everlasting life. It is that faith that you express at this Table in eating and drinking the bread and the wine. These actions symbolize your active participation in the death of Christ for as Paul says it is a communion in His body and blood. The elements do not change in substance to become such, but rather by faith we feed upon His flesh though He remains in heaven. It is through this active participation in the flesh of Christ that the Father and Son by the Spirit are now renewing and bringing life to the world. Eventually all the nations of the earth will join us at this Table as men and women, boys and girls, stream into Zion from north, south, east, and west.



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